Are Millennials Killing the Serial Killer Industry?

Shen-Li Ryan
10 min readMar 1, 2021

Millennials, what a bunch of bastards. They’re doing their damndest to make sure the restaurant business dies out, the idea of owning a home is outdated and we never have to buy a single diamond again. They’re even going as far as to ruin the serial killer industry with their determination for safety and comfort. No longer are the days where someone rings the bell and you immediately go to check if it’s the mayor gifting you a 100,000 dollar check.

It’s important to avoid weird situations and millennials are blunt enough to stop them. You shouldn’t have to hear details about a guy you met at the bar’s colonoscopy nor should you fear walking home from a concert. Millennials’ ability to avoid these kinds of confrontations can be attributed to a major passion of theirs; true crime. Security companies and camera businesses have been excelling because of their educated paranoia.

Being aware of their surroundings helps keep them away from danger. They would never have their home unlocked nor invite people they don’t know inside. They do their best to make sure everything in the house is digitized for their ultimate protection. Millennials’ are slowly evolving into more advanced beings and their attraction to the singularity is what allows them to accomplish this.

Millennials Love True Crime

For other generations, hearing about the gruesome details of Dean Corrl or Aileen Wuornos’ victims may deter potential listeners from actively learning about these human monsters. However, a generation of scavengers are gobbling it up and seeing how this knowledge will benefit them in the long-run. The last thing they want is to be murdered and/or tortured, which is why many of them carry cyanide tablets in a fake tooth.

Following details about these atrocities gives Millennials an idea of the people committing these crimes. People who penetrate others with a sharp utensil are the same kind of sane as those who give dogs vodka instead of water. A nonconsensual insertion takes as much energy as those who churn butter as a hobby; too much.

Unfortunately, murderers aren’t the type to have a set look, but they have a clear personality you should avoid; lonely and unnaturally persistent. The details in many true crime cases has shown collectors are problematic and they will go out of their way to leave a mark. However, they test methods out on the unassuming

This is why it’s important to avoid opening the door if you don’t know who is knocking. Your front door is the gateway to your reality and this should be kept holy. It can be anyone on the other side and their desires may be as simple as asking for a spoonful of sugar or as abhorrent as scattering your body throughout the local river system.

Friends and family will normally notify you if they are coming, but, even if they don’t, they will announce who they are at the door. Strangers don’t; serial killers are definitely going to try and surprise you. Richard Chase used to take an unlocked door as a sign they wanted to be murdered. Charles Manson’s followers tried starting a race war because locks weren’t a concern to their victims. Just like a female condom, information is useful but it can’t stop the truly committed.

Thankfully, millennials know to avoid certain social settings and have seen the complications people have put themselves in from not thinking ahead. Don’t just go with the flow and use your body’s natural anxiety to think clearer. Millennials’ anxiety keeps them moving and looking for the next best thing. Although, they also do their finest to distinguish each situation from each other.

Millennials like to consider themselves detectives, which is just another reason for baby boomers to be jealous of them. They know what kind of personalities are worrisome and these behaviors are only exacerbated because of social media. Many people are going to show their true selves online because of the fake “invisible” mask of anonymity. Being able to scan through these profiles helps give a clearer picture of their beliefs and interests.

Millennials are Digitally Fluent

Twitter, Snapchat and Facebook are some of the biggest social media platforms; each one providing a different service. Twitter allows you to share your opinions or events as it happens. Snapchat encourages you to create memories making your friends and family jealous. Facebook allows the ignorant to thrive because there is no regulation when it comes to misinformation. Understanding these platforms may seem superficial but they can provide you with a heightened level of safety.

Millennials are the biggest generation to use these tools; up to 95 percent use social media. It’s not because they are as vain as older losers say. They are active on these platforms because they are interacting with friends, hearing news related to their interests and slinging candy. There isn’t a single place they’ve been to with less than 12 photos. They need people to know where they’ve been and what they did or else the trip was just for fun.

This thirst for clout has not only strengthened their desire for fun but has led to an entire generation of online sleuths to form. Finding out where someone is with only a picture may sound terrifying but it’s what allowed many thrill-seekers in this generation to find undisclosed places of fun. This skill to use various applications and software at one time is what allows them to cross-reference everything published.

Being murdered can really dampen future plans, which is why dating apps are as powerful as they are. There’s a trace of who contacted whom and officers can identify potential perpetrators. Additionally, many apps are asking you to verify your identity, which is a major factor when dating online. No one wants to be catfished and this eliminates embarrassment from forming.

As a matter of fact, not having a checkmark means they should be avoided. It’s almost impossible to have no digital footprint and seeing it in nature can be jarring. Being studied may sound invasive but not in this day and age. The world is a scary place and this net of safety helps avoid any troublesome people. Additionally, millennials have all the necessary information readily available because they know where to look.

Digital fluency allows millennials to look suspects up on all platforms to ensure there are no red flags. LinkedIn notifies them the person has a job and is professional in some way. Instagram enlightens everyone they have a life. Tiktok shows they don’t care about privacy. Even Uber highlights how self-aware they are.

This is only inflated by millennials’ love for true crime. This fascination with the wicked isn’t just for fun but helps them become savvier while out and about. They will take note of people who weird them out and try their best to avoid them. This can be as simple as blocking a scoundrel for asking for feet pics or leaving an establishment for a friendlier vibe.

Some people won’t take a hint, though, and will continue to harass their potential victim. No matter what happens, don’t accept their offering because this sends a message it’s okay to continuously pester people since their lead will eventually give in to their demands. It’s crucial to discern each individual as a winner or a pussyfoot for this reason.

Thankfully, photos and videos can help identify the perpetrator. With so many vantage points it’s nearly impossible to get away with something as heinous as speeding up a person’s date to enter the afterlife. They even have technology installed in their homes to make sure they’re ready for any type of circumstance.

Alexa never stops listening. Never.

Millennials also have secret methods to notify people they are in danger. Some have their iPhones set-up where you push a single button a certain number of times and it calls an emergency line. Others are going to be live-streaming what is happening while other smartphone possessors can text friends or family without looking at their phone. Sight is outdated and doesn’t leave the same taste as before. Start looking outside of what the present box has to offer.

It’s crucial to understand who you are seeing and how to get out of their clutches if something goes awry. However, this can only be achieved when people are willing to expand their knowledge and ability to absorb new information.

Millennials are Educated

We are inundated with a 24-hour news cycle so it’s hard to stop the knowledge flowing in. However, few generations have taken advantage of the internet and mass publishing more than Generation Y. Millennials are constantly trying to absorb what is going on across the world, which is why they are statistically the most knowledgeable generation.

They are outspoken about the democratic travesties happening in Hong Kong; they share publications describing the hard life Palestinians regularly face; even what is happening in Antarctica is a common conversation to have among them. Doomscrolling is the healthy version of cocaine and they don’t lose weight from a constant need to do jumping jacks.

There’s nothing they won’t throw themselves at, which is why they are smarter than most generations. Their lives revolve around the instant and the current age accomplishes this. This is one of the reasons why they are always on their phone, they don’t want to miss anything. This is only expanded from their digital fluency; they know where to look and what to look for.

This doesn’t mean they aren’t susceptible to fake news but their college education has allowed them to identify the real from the fiction. College teaches you how to do research and what to do with new information. Those who graduated with a bachelor’s degree — a majority of millennials — have an understanding on how to differentiate each author. This is what separates the weak from the strong; identifying errs.

Remember, just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s automatically true; just because it was published doesn’t mean it was peer-reviewed; just because it’s from a journal doesn’t mean it’s accurate. There are all kinds of ways for inaccurate researchers to manipulate data to prop up their partisan beliefs.

For instance, a lot of the hard-of-hearing say millennials are the most murderable because they trust those without faces. However, millennials share everything they can find with their friends when meeting a new person, as well as pick public places to meet and don’t reveal sensitive information. Finding out each other’s Social Security Number is 5th date material.

Millennials are drawn to the abnormal; the evil out there. Not to repeat what happened but to prevent it from continuing. Their many machinations is what will allow them to stop more serial killers from appearing again; becoming a forgotten period in the United States of America’s history. Not only will they know what to fight against but they can further this sacred information through their children.

Change doesn’t happen in one generation but is extrapolated from the ones after. If every generation started from scratch then every society would be wondering if fire hurts. Monsters develop during childhood and start thinking about bloodlust as an adult. This is where millennial’s education, digital fluency and love for true crime comes in.

In order for the world to be better, we have to deal with the corrupted. The requited have only had a bad start at life but this doesn’t mean they should suffer forever because of it. To advance the next group of adventurers, we need a diverse range of education working on today’s issues. This brings attention to patterns you should avoid and methods needing updating.

The Barbie Doll Killers wouldn’t have kidnapped kids if they had just visited Chuck E’ Cheese. Henry Lee Lucas wouldn’t have destroyed all those lives if he wasn’t forced to sleep in a chicken coop. Robert Pickton wouldn’t have kidnapped all those prostitutes if he actually took a shower every now and then.

These people wouldn’t have existed if the proper measures were executed. Loving a child, empowering a teenager, highlighting the adult, are all phenomenal ways to make them feel nurtured and confident. In order to snuff out evil, we need to do something now. Change doesn’t happen overnight. It happens over a lengthy period of time and upholded with constant revision. Falling back into obscurity means we will be restarting a culture needing to be eradicated; serial killing.

Be A Millennial

Start fighting with your family because they won’t stop saying conservative nonsense. Turn down a homemade meal because there’s gluten. Stop wasting money on Zoloft and inhale paint. There’s nothing wrong with letting people know their opinions are worthless. Thinking like a member of Generation Y is taking a step toward excellence and maximum protection.

For so long, people would sustain events or situations they found uncomfortable because saving face was more important than even the most “humiliating” situations.

“Sorry about my brother, he’s a bit lonely.”

“Sorry about my sister, she thinks humans register people by scent.”

“Sorry about my grandpa.”

Don’t be a loser anymore and be a millennial.

Mention their weird attributes are making you question whether or not you should be around them. Tell these puppet lovers to stop being bizarre around you or else you are going to seriously evaluate this relationship. They aren’t named JoJo and on an adventure; they are just strangers being more than queer.

Choose your friends properly because these are the ones who are going to have your back and put you in empowering situations; not endangering ones. It’s actually quite easy to pick out the right friends if you hold them up to a certain set of justifiable standards.

For instance, if they are constantly cleaning their gun and talking about the pure race standing strong then you should ignore them. If they are only eating ham and mayonnaise sandwiches — no matter the meal — then cannibalization is afoot. If they are sending you nudes of themselves without your consent then you need to collect everything they direct your way and publish a book about them but don’t ever reveal their identity.

Be aware of what you are placing yourself into. Many serial killers are going to rely on the unaware but it doesn’t mean they should be successful with it. Disguise yourself, go places beforehand, write down the crowd there and the exits of the place. Predators rely on ignorance and nothing speaks to blissful more then all of the Southern victims out there. Be an elitist and call the creep out. Let them know what they are doing isn’t okay.

Always weigh your options and the consequences of being there. It’s best to be safe and be seen as rude then risk being “nice” and adding to the next Netflix documentary’s list of missing persons. It’s time to take a stand and stay indoors, alone, for righteous reasons. Change is coming and justice will prevail.




Shen-Li Ryan

I have always enjoyed creating stories and creating new perspectives, which is why I encourage you to check out my profile if you want humourous stories.